Container Volumes on Selinux Systems

A problem I often get while working with containers on my machine is the permission denied error with container volumes. The other day, I was trying to set up a local instance of supabase using their docker containers. The files needed can be found in the docker directory in the main repository of the project. It uses docker-compose to orchestrate the containers needed.

Differences Between Podman & Docker

Since I usually use podman and podman-compose for dealing with containers, I faced some issues that are not present if I had used docker or docker-compose. One of them is:

Error: statfs /home/user/supabase/docker/volumes/db/data: no such file or directory
exit code: 125

When running with docker, this problem doesn't happen. This is because docker creates the host volume mounts if it doesn't exists already. Podman doesn't do this, hence the error. For this issue, the fix is quite simple, just create the needed directories.

$ mkdir volumes/storage volumes/db/data

The Other Issue

The other, more confusing issue was this error:

chmod: changing permissions of '/var/lib/postgresql/data': Permission denied
find: ‘/var/lib/postgresql/data’: Permission denied
chown: changing ownership of '/var/lib/postgresql/data': Permission denied
exit code: 1

There were other error messages saying the same thing, permission denied. After some reading, I found out that the cause of this problem is SELinux.


I'm running Fedora, an RPM-based linux distribution with SELinux enabled. Other RPM-based distros such as CentOS & RedHat Linux also come with SELinux by default. SELinux, or Security-Enhanced Linux, is the Linux kernel's security module that provides access control security policies and mandatory access controls (MAC). It labels files and processes to ensure no processes get unauthorized access to some files or other processes.

The problem with SELinux and containers is that by default, containers are not given write access to volume binds. The SELinux label for files used in regular container volume binds is container_t. To have write access, the files need to have the label container_file_t. This happens to containers whether it is run using docker or podman.

Quick Fix #1

A quick way to avoid all this trouble with SELinux permissions is to set the SELinux mode to permissive. This will solve the issue completely.

$ setenforce 0 # this will set SELinux to permissive if it isn't already
$ # to undo do setenforce 1 to change mode to enforcing

Or, if you want to, you can also completely disable SELinux. For desktop or regular use, this should be fine. For servers however, setting SELinux to permissive or disabling it completely isn't the smartest thing to do, as it lowers the security of the system.

Quick Fix #2

This time, the fix will not involve making changes to SELinux. The solution is to use the z or Z flag for volume binds. This will change the label of the files in the volume bind to container_file_t, allowing write access. The full explanation can be read in the podman-run or docker-run man page.

To change a label in the container context, you can add either of two suffixes :z or :Z to the volume mount. These suffixes tell Podman to relabel file objects on the shared volumes. The z option tells Podman that two containers share the volume content. As a result, Podman labels the content with a shared content label. Shared volume labels allow all containers to read/write content. The Z option tells Podman to label the content with a private unshared label.

In short, use Z if only 1 specific container needs access to the volume, else use z. Because supabase uses docker-compose, we need to edit the compose file in order to get it to work. You just need to add :z to all of the volume binds in the file.

# line 133 of docker-compose file
  - ./volumes/storage:/var/lib/storage:z

After doing this, the pod was running successfully.


Here's a quick summary. If you're using a SELinux system, and you don't want to deal with it anymore, set the mode to permissive or disable it completely. Else, use the zZ flag suffixes to volume binds. :Z is more restrictive, so just use :z if you don't want to think much about this.
